Aluminium Windows Worplesdon

Lightweight, low profile aluminium windows will transform your home. The ultra-thin frames allow for an enhanced glazing area, ensuring you get to maximise the light in your home. Aluminium frames are also exceptionally hard-wearing and will resist warping, cracking, swelling or corrosion. Add a luxurious touch to your home and transform every living space into a modern oasis of light.

Find out more about aluminium windows

Why choose aluminium windows?

Aluminium windows will bring a sophisticated and modern touch to your home. The lightweight frames are suitable for any placement, including non-load bearing walls. The low tolerance means a perfect fit and the windows will not warp, crack, swell or corrode over time. The thin frames allow you to enhance the size of your windows without making structural changes to your home. The result is a light and brighter room that feels more connected to the outside. To complete the look, choose from a range of frame colours and smooth or textured finish. All of our windows are PAS24 tested to guarantee strength and robustness.

Aluminium windows from Camberley Glass

We are both a supplier and fitter for aluminium window replacements throughout Worplesdon. You can choose our supply only service, or make the most of our professional installation. The longevity of the windows relies on expertise during the installation process, so we recommend trusting our expert team with this task. All of our windows are engineered to the highest precision, which means there is a much lower tolerance than uPVC counterparts. To ensure the windows are perfectly weathertight, it’s essential to get a perfect fit. To see the windows in situ, visit our Surrey showroom.

Benefits of aluminium windows for your home

Safe and secure

Aluminium frames offer enhanced security to keep your home secure. The precision engineered frames are resistant to tampering and feature multiple locking points. Aluminium windows provide a visual deterrent to thieves, as they are known for being strong, sturdy and for having no points of weakness to exploit. This can help you to feel more safer in your home.

Versatile by design

Enjoy bespoke designed windows that are perfectly suited to your home. Aluminium constructed windows offer versatility by design, allowing you to choose the ideal shape and configuration for your needs. You’ll also have a choice of frame colours and finishes, including smooth and textured. You can see all of our frame designs and finishes on display in our Surrey showroom.

Lightweight construction

These windows offer incredible strength and resilience without adding unnecessary weight. This allows you to place the windows on non-load bearing walls. It also allows you to choose larger windows without worrying about the additional weight, which can allow you to bring your interior design dreams to life. The strength of the frames will help to keep them secure and the frames will resist bending under the weight of the glazing.

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    GU15 3JA, UK