Window repair

Double Glazed Unit Replacements Elstead

If your windows are misty and foggy, don’t struggle with this for any longer. Rather than attempting to repair the window, it’s far better to address the underlying cause, otherwise the issue will eventually return. Replacing your double glazing units is a cost-effective way to improve the look of your home and ensure your windows are working as efficiently as they should. If you’re looking for double glazed unit replacements in Elstead, get in touch with Camberley Glass today.

Why do glazing units fail?

Double glazing works by mounting two panes of glass within a frame, with a layer of inert gas trapped in between. The space between the panes is warmed, and this helps to reduce heat loss to the outside. This has been standard practice for new-build homes for the past 20 years.

If this seal is broken, moisture can get between the panes where it heats and cools repeatedly, resulting in condensation on the inside of the glass panes. This leaves you with a misted look that will impede your view of the outside and also make your home darker. And once the seal is broken, this also means that your windows aren’t offering the same level of insulation, which can lead to cold draughts and higher energy bills.

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Double glazed unit replacement from Camberley Glass

While it is possible to temporarily remove the condensation and reseal the unit, this won’t address the underlying issue and your windows won’t be as efficient as they once were. Replacing the double glazing unit will enable you to enjoy the look of a brand new window without the cost of replacing the entire frame.

We can replace your double glazing units for the same window type, or we can help you to find the ideal upgrade. This could include extra insulation or privacy film. And if you’re ready for a complete upgrade, we also offer a comprehensive range of aluminium framed windows in a range of colours and finishes.

The benefits of replacing sealed units with Camberley Glass

Made to measure

We manufacture all double glazing units in house, so they are made to fit your space. Whether you have irregular windows, very large or very small windows, we can help you to find the perfect fit. We can also offer optional extras such as additional insulation or privacy film.

Excellent energy efficiency

If your windows are misted, this is a sign that the seal has broken and your home is no longer properly insulated. Poor insulation is one of the leading causes of higher energy bills and uncomfortable homes. This simple step could help to bring down your energy usage.

Improve the kerb appeal

If you are planning to sell or rent your home, make sure you address issues such as blown window seals. This can have a significant impact on the kerb appeal of your property. To help give your home an instant facelift, try replacing old and worn out window units.

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