Window repair

Double Glazed Unit Replacements Crowthorne

There are so many reasons your double glazing units might need to be replaced. Simple wear and tear, manufacturing faults, poor installation and extreme weather can all lead to damage in your sealed units. When these units fail, they quickly become misted up. Misted up windows and doors are an eyesore from the street and will impact the light quality in your home. This also indicates that your windows are no longer insulated, meaning your energy bills will soon start to rise.

Why do glazing units fail?

Double glazed units have been standard practice in new buildings for more than 20 years. And when the time comes to replace old single pane windows in older properties, many choose to make the upgrade to these more energy efficient and better insulated windows. The two panes of glass are set in a unit with a vacuum in the middle. When this sealed unit fails, moisture can build up between the two panes, leading to a misted appearance.

When this happens, you know that your home insulation isn’t as effective as it was before. To help keep your home warm and comfortable and avoid inflated energy bills, we recommend replacing the glazing units.

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Double glazed unit replacement from Camberley Glass

It’s always a good idea to choose the same company for supplying and installing your double glazing units. This can minimise delays and ensure that miscommunications don’t lead to poorly fitted windows. We have decades of experience replacing double glazing units of all shapes, sizes and materials.

We can help you to replace your windows like-for-like, or you could explore upgrades, including glazing with insulating film or privacy features. If you're looking for double glazing unit replacements in Crowthorne, trust Camberley Glass to get it right every time.

The benefits of replacing sealed units with Camberley Glass

Made to order

All of our units are made to order, which means we can provide unparalleled service in ensuring you get precisely what you need for your home. Replace your misted window units with the exact same window unit, or explore an upgrade. We can also help to upgrade the seals on your windows to improve insulation and protection.

Improved energy efficiency

If your windows are misted, this is a sure sign that your windows are no longer working efficiently. By replacing misted units, you can improve the insulating properties of your windows and help to keep your energy bills down. This is better for your wallet and better for the environment.

Increase property value

Misted windows are an eyesore to look at and could greatly impact the kerb appeal of your home. If you’re thinking about selling or renting your home, replacing misted windows is a simple way to improve perceptions of the property and this could help to boost its value. Not to mention, replacing misted windows will also help to improve the natural light in your home.

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